Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawai'i (BBBSH) is committed to promoting the values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-bias/anti-racism throughout our organization. As such, the organization develops and promotes policies and programs that provide equal access and opportunity for organization volunteers, families, supporters, and staff. The organization will foster a culture that values the diversity of every member of the BBBSH community and among all entities that it collaborates with and/or serves. The following are definitions we use to identify and guide our commitment to DEI and anti-bias/anti-racism:
Diversity: The full range of differences and similarities, visible and non-visible, that make each individual unique, such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, abilities and disabilities, religion, age, and perspectives arising from different backgrounds.
Equity: Understanding that there are varied needs of different groups based on identity. Equity values equal outputs and recognizes that everyone starts from a different place.
Inclusion: An environment that engages multiple perspectives, where diverse individuals are able to participate fully in the decision-making processes within an organization, group, or network.
Anti-Bias/Anti-racism: The policy and practice of opposing anti-bias and anti-racism and promoting acceptance and equitable treatment of people from all backgrounds.